There's nothing

wrong with you.

I know you've been binge and emotional eating for a while. And I know that you think you must be damaged, messed up, or incapable of "will power," but the truth is, you're just missing a skill set, and those skills are ...

M i n d f u l n e s s

What does mindfulness have to do with overeating? Let me tell you the main skills you will learn that will completely change your relationship with food, your body, the present moment, and greatly improve your life overall.

Self-awareness (the key to ANY change!)

Emotion Regulation

Anxiety & Stress Reduction

Address Negative Thoughts

Overcome Cravings Without Will Power

Build Self-Compassion & Self-Esteem

Improve Impulse Control

Mental Clarity

The 9 Life - Changing Lessons You Will Learn

Mindfulness is not just paying attention, it is the way you pay attention that makes ALL the difference. Here are the lessons that you will learn that have led others to complete transformation for over 2,000 years.

Lesson 1: Non-Judgment

Lesson 2: Patience

Lesson 3: Curiosity

Lesson 4: Trust

Lesson 5: Non-Striving

Lesson 6: Letting Go

Lesson 7: Acceptance

Lesson 8: Compassion

Lesson 9: Gratitude

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